- I think we all have at least once.
Worse, there have been times when actually things can go south.
In fact, from what I can tell, this is actually a pretty common problem in the fitness community.
There are several reasons why:
#1 – TOO MUCH Work
Some of us – maybe you – can make our bodies whatever our mind decide.
We can end up pushing, and pushing, and pushing, and pushing ourselves, and our bodies can’t keep up.
This is one of the reasons why when people ask so often “what’s a good number of reps to hit compared to others” in a program, we should accept first and foremost not to compare ourselves to others.
Every time you try to push your body beyond its limits you start seeing your body fat staying the same and muscle mass decrease.
If you keep pushing, your strength might considerably decreases.
#2 – Not Enough RECOVERY
This is directly correlated with “TOO MUCH Work”.
It happens a lot when people are really consistent with their workout and they never miss.
Then they are forced for whatever reason to take a break for a short – medium period of time (Think about a family holiday)
When they go home, and they measure their body composition it might have not changed at all and guess what? Their strength at the gym could be even better than before.
A well needed break (if you are very consistent) can potentially boost your results!
#3 – Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Alcohol is treated like a poison by your body.
As such, it’s preferentially metabolized above everything else, until it’s been removed.
As you can imagine, this interferes with both burning fat and building muscle.
So, if you want to take care of your body fat, or build up your arms and shoulders, cut back to a couple of drinks a week.
#4 – Eating TOO MUCH
This often can be a results of #1 and #2.
You subconsciously know that you need more energy, because, you are pushing so hard to get your work done.
So, you end up eating more. (And sometimes drink more too.)
And that “more” is more of the wrong things – usually a fatty-carby mix of salty-sweet, which makes you feel full, and hits those “feel good” dopamine receptors in your brain.
#5 – NOT Eating ENOUGH…
Protein is the closest thing to a wonder drug.
Eat ONLY protein and the fat practically falls off your body.
Eat EXTRA protein, and you can pack on muscle, without any fat.
Eat ENOUGH protein, and you’ll kill your cravings.
At State of Fitness we make sure you do:
The right amount of work + the right amount of recovery + the right amount of protein…
Lose Body Fat, looking lean and much fitter while getting strong in the process!
Additional Resources:
1. Overtraining – Better Health Channel Better Health Channel
2. Recovery – Australian Institute of Sport AIS Recovery
3. Alcohol and Fitness – DrinkWise Australia DrinkWise Australia
4. Protein and Diet – Nutrition Australia Nutrition Australia
5. Eating for Exercise – Sports Dietitians Australia SDA Nutrition